customer looking at flight information screens

Awards Methodology

The 2023/2024 Survey and Awards Methodology

The world’s largest, annual airline passenger satisfaction survey is not restricted to member airlines or a pre-selected choice of airline, and any airline in the world can be nominated. The focus of the survey is for customers to make their own, personal choices as to which airline they consider to be the best, underlining the brand as the Passenger's Choice Awards. The value for money rating has always been a constituent feature in the survey.

Survey screening

Online survey entries are screened to identify each IP / user information, with duplicate or ineligible entries deleted.

Survey dates

The customer survey operated from September 2023 to May 2024.

Survey costs

The costs of operating the survey are paid in full by Skytrax.

Respondent nationalities

Over 100 customer nationalities participated in the survey.

Survey languages

Customer surveys are provided in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Japanese.

Survey hosting

The online section of the survey was hosted at

Airlines covered

Over 350 airlines are included in the 2024 survey results.

Award logo usage

Award winning airlines are able to use the Award logos at no charge.

Survey payment

No payment or reward of any type is made to survey respondents, with all submissions on a voluntary basis.

Awards event

The awards event has no charge for airlines to attend.

Membership subscription

No membership subscription, registration or any charge for an airline to be included in the survey.

Member airlines

The customer survey is not restricted to member airlines. Any airline in the world can be nominated in the survey.

Trade association

The customer survey is not connected to any type of trade association.

Third parties

No third party survey involvement or sponsorship of the Survey process.

An extract of some Survey topics is shown below:

Customers nominated their favourite airline or airline they considered to be best, and ranked their satisfaction (1 to 5 scale) for aspects of the travel experience (a brief extract is shown below), across both the airport and onboard environments. Data weighting was applied to provide equity when evaluating airlines of different size. Any weighting uses passenger numbers for airlines featured in the Survey.

  • Cabin Service
    • Boarding assistance

      Service friendliness / hospitality

      Service attentiveness / efficiency

      Staff language skills

      Meal service efficiency

      Cabin presence through flight

      Cabin PA announcements

      Cockpit PA information

      Assisting families

      Problem solving skills

      Staff attitudes

      Staff service consistency

      Staff Grooming

    Ground / Airport
    • Airline website

      Online booking

      Online Check-in

      Baggage / Carry-on policy

      Airport ticketing

      Check-in : waiting times

      Check-in : service standards

      Self Check-in

      Pre-boarding procedures

      Boarding efficiency

      Airport staff: friendliness

      Airport staff: efficiency

      Airline Lounge : product facilities

      Airline Lounge : staff efficiency

      Airline Lounge : staff hospitality

      Transfer services

      Arrival services

      Baggage delivery

    Onboard Product
    • Seat comfort

      Cabin cleanliness

      Toilet cleanliness

      Cabin lighting / ambience

      Cabin temperatures

      Cabin comfort & amenities

      Reading materials

      Airline magazine

      IFE screen & interface

      Choice of AV programming

      On demand AV options

      Cabin Wi-Fi & connectivity

      Quality of meals

      Quantity of food

      Selection of meals

      Standard / choice of beverages

      Selection of buy-onboard F&B

      Prices of buy-onboard F&B

      Value for Money

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